
OnnewerversionsofAndroid,youcan'ttakescreenshotsinSecretChats.Thiswillresultintheerror'Can'ttakescreenshotduetosecuritypolicy'.On ...,2022年8月22日—SomeofthespecialTelegramfeaturesallowuserstocreatesecretchatsandeveninformifascreenshotisbeingtakenofyourchatswith ...,Whatisasecretchat?Startingasecretchat;Usingtheself-destructtimer;Screenshotalerts;Encryptionkeypicture;Whynotmakeallchats'secret'...

Can't take screenshots in Secret Chats?

On newer versions of Android, you can't take screenshots in Secret Chats. This will result in the error 'Can't take screenshot due to security policy' . On ...

These Telegram features are simply awesome! Check out ...

2022年8月22日 — Some of the special Telegram features allow users to create secret chats and even inform if a screenshot is being taken of your chats with ...

Telegram FAQ

What is a secret chat? Starting a secret chat; Using the self-destruct timer; Screenshot alerts; Encryption key picture; Why not make all chats 'secret'?

Can an iPhone take a screenshot on Telegram if I send a ...

2024年3月21日 — No, it's not possible to take a screenshot in a Telegram secret chat without the other user being notified. Telegram's secret chats have ...

To take a screenshot in Telegram Secret Chat on Android ...

2020年6月22日 — 1. Run the Telegram app and go to the “Settings” of the Telegram via the hamburger menu on the top of the screen. 2. In the Settings menu, ...

Does telegram let the other person know when you saved ...

2019年7月23日 — When in secret chat, Android prevents you from taking a screenshot, iOS notifies the other chat member when you take it. As far as I know, ...

Screenshot in secret chat

2020年11月2日 — Telegram tells your device to not take a screenshot or record the screen in secret chats and their phone might not respect this, taking the ...